Strategic Intercession

9 - Praying Boldly with Confidence and Authority

Melanie Boudreau Episode 9

The transformative power of declarative prayer can revolutionize your approach to intercession and leadership. This episode offers a comprehensive exploration of declarative prayer, equipping listeners with biblical foundations, practical techniques, and personal insights to transform their prayer life from hesitant petitions to bold, authoritative declarations aligned with God's Word and empowered by the Holy Spirit.

  • The biblical foundation for declarative prayer and its importance in Christian leadership
  • How to shift from petitioning prayer to bold, faith-filled declarations
  • The connection between knowing God intimately and praying with authority
  • Practical steps to overcome common barriers to confident prayer, including feelings of unworthiness and past unanswered requests
  • The role of the Holy Spirit in guiding declarative prayer
  • Real-life examples comparing traditional petitioning prayer with powerful declarative prayer
  • Strategies for aligning your prayers with God's Word and His promises

Learn how to pray with newfound confidence and authority, tapping into the fullness of God's provision for your life and leadership. Melanie shares personal insights and biblical wisdom to help you revolutionize your prayer life and experience breakthrough in your personal life, business, and ministry.

Resources Mentioned

Free Resources Mentioned

  • Prayer Fuel Chart (from Episode 3)
  • Declaration Guide - Comprehensive toolkit for mastering declarative prayer and praying with confidence.
  • - Visit the website to dive deeper into transforming your prayer life and leadership through declarative prayer. Subscribe for free!
  • Episode 2 - Embracing Our Identity in God Transforms Our Prayers (Blog post and Podcast)

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00:01 Emcee:
Welcome to the Strategic Intercession Podcast where we share powerful prayer techniques, inspiring stories and tools to help you lead with wisdom and confidence. Hosted by Melanie Boudreau, a seasoned leader in focused prayer. Whether you're leading in church, government, or business shaping your industry, this podcast is for you. Now, here's your host, Melanie Boudreau.

00:30 Melanie Boudreau:
The most powerful prayers often come from the most unexpected people, and you with the right guidance could be the next one to unleash your prayer power. In today's episode, you'll learn to pray bold prayers that release God's power in your personal life, business, and ministry. Through the practice of declarative prayer, we'll explore the biblical foundations of our authority and prayer, tackle common barriers to confident intercession and provide practical steps to praying bold faith-filled prayers that move heaven and earth.

01:05 Melanie Boudreau:
This episode lays the foundation for what we explored in episode two entitled, embracing Our Identity In God transforms Our Prayers. We'll fully unpack the shift from petitioning to decreeing that we touched on there. If you haven't heard that episode yet, don't worry. After this, you'll have the perfect backdrop to revisit it with fresh insight. The link is in the show notes. Speaking of insights, I'm often reminded of the wisdom I've gleaned from fellow ministers along my journey.

01:38 Melanie Boudreau:
One such source of inspiration is my precious friend, Jamie Morgan, who mentors women through her trailblazers network. As Jamie says in ministry, we often have to fly the plane while building it. She knows how important it is to follow God's leading. Even when we don't have all the answers or haven't mapped everything out yet, just do it. She says, okay, I assure you, had I waited until I knew everything, I would've never started this strategic intercession podcast.

02:11 Melanie Boudreau:
So let's learn together, shall we?

02:17 Melanie Boudreau:
According to second Peter chapter one, verses two through three, you already have all things pertaining to life and godliness. Does it feel like that for you? Let's read that passage. Grace and peace be multiplied to you in the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord, seeing that his divine power has granted to us everything pertaining to life and godliness through the true knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and excellence. Wow, that's some heavy duty provision.

02:49 Melanie Boudreau:
But notice the word knowledge here. This isn't about being the best seminary student. It's through knowing God. We receive the incredible provision of literally everything we need for life. Knowing God isn't knowing about him or studying him, it's about intimately experiencing God as a person. So when you think about knowing God, don't cite your spiritual disciplines here. They're important, but that's another topic.

03:21 Melanie Boudreau:
Stop for a moment and think about ways you move in close. Are there ways you intentionally seek to experience God as an actual person and not just as a topic of study? We may be busy with our spiritual checklists, but to experience the fullness of God's provision, our pursuit of knowing God must supersede any effort we expend to minister in his name, serve him, or even provide for our family. Proverbs chapter nine, verse 10 reads, to be wise, you must first have reverence for the Lord.

03:57 Melanie Boudreau:
If you know the holy one, you have understanding, Psalms chapter nine, verse 10 says, those who know you, Lord will trust you. This is where all authentic prayer starts out of the deep internal well of union with God and experiential knowing that supplies understanding and trust or belief. One Corinthians chapter one, verse seven in the New Living Translation says, now you have every spiritual gift you need as you eagerly wait for the return of our Lord Jesus Christ.

04:35 Melanie Boudreau:
I think that statement is pretty clear that the provision didn't Peter out between the writing of one Corinthians and today, and yet are we still asking in prayer for those very things God says already belong to us? If we are, then we may have a problem with our appropriation of his provision to appropriate. What he has already provided for us is an exercise of belief. Appropriation here means to take possession of or make use of something in the context of prayer.

05:08 Melanie Boudreau:
It means to believe and receive what God has already promised in his word.

05:17 Melanie Boudreau:
Okay, so now I wanna touch on one of the most significant obstacles to living in God's fullness that often goes unnoticed unbelief. Unbelief is a much bigger problem than we realize, especially when it comes to actually encountering God, living victoriously, or receiving answers to our prayers. Unbelief is the opposite of faith and it hinders our ability to receive from God. Faith comes from hearing the word of God like manna.

05:48 Melanie Boudreau:
You can't save God's word in your pocket to eat days later, every day you need fresh sustenance. Over time, you'll find yourself much stronger. The word of God is one of many ways He talks with us in real time. Academic mastery of the Bible is a lofty goal, but it can't be our driving motivation to consume the word of God on a day by day basis. While it's important to study and understand the Bible, our primary motivation should be hunger for more of Him, communion with him, yearning to hear and love for God.

06:26 Melanie Boudreau:
These motivations bring us out of our rooms and to his banqueting table each day to feast on his words. For those who have walked with God for a long time, it's easy to fall into the trap of believing your mastery of the word throughout the years offers you safe coasting. It doesn't. What did God tell Joshua? A man who partnered hand in hand with Moses and saw firsthand God's mighty arm deliver his people again and again. Joshua chapter one verses seven through eight reads, be strong and very courageous.

07:01 Melanie Boudreau:
Be careful to obey all the instructions Moses gave you. Do not deviate from them turning either to the right or to the left. Then you'll be successful in everything you do. Study this book of instruction, continually meditate on it day and night so you will be sure to obey everything written in it. Only then will you prosper and succeed in all you do.

07:26 Melanie Boudreau:
Okay, so this week I've been reading Deuteronomy and noted this verse in reference to the children of Israel that Moses was leading through the wilderness it reads, but to this day, the Lord has not given you minds that understand nor eyes that see nor ears that hear. That's Deuteronomy chapter 29 verse four. Wait, what? God had not given those things to them? Then why were the Israelites responsible for their lack? If it is God who grants minds that understand eyes that see, or ears that hear, why is mankind culpable when we lack them?

08:05 Melanie Boudreau:
Deuteronomy chapter 32 verses three through four reads as follows, I will proclaim the name of the Lord. How glorious is our God? He is the rock. His deeds are perfect. Everything he does is just and fair. He's a faithful God who does no wrong how just and upright he is.

08:28 Melanie Boudreau:
Okay? So because God is just and we are indeed responsible, the key issue seems to be how we respond to our shortcomings. God is our provider. The classic rendering for Psalm 23 verse one is this, the Lord is my shepherd. I shall not want the new living translation reads this way, the Lord is my shepherd. I have all that I need. God has made provision. Are we petitioning for what God says He has already provided That is unbelief, but it is true that we may not possess what he has provided.

09:08 Melanie Boudreau:
So how can we appropriate everything he has given us that is found in him without operating out of unbelief? Okay, don't miss what I'm about to say. It's a key point about how to pray effectively to own what God has already provided. Let's talk about declarative prayer.

09:31 Melanie Boudreau:
Praying declaratively is just what it sounds like we declare over our lives or circumstances. What God says is true. We pick up what we need from God's presence affirming his provision through declaration. The word of God strengthens our experience of God as we draw near to him and learn what to expect from him. We use declarative prayer to align our lives with what God says is true because we believe him. It's crucial to understand that declarative prayer is not the same as positive thinking or mere affirmations.

10:07 Melanie Boudreau:
While positive thinking focuses on changing our mindset through repetition of uplifting phrases, declarative prayer is rooted in the truth of God's word and our identity in Christ. When we pray declaratively, we're not trying to convince ourselves of something. We're agreeing that what God has already said is true. It's an act of faith that aligns our words with God's reality, even when our circumstances don't yet reflect it.

10:36 Melanie Boudreau:
When meditating on a passage, I get steeped in what the word says is true about God. I use that revelation to worship God as a way to enter into his presence. I cannot know him without spending time in his presence beyond his general ubiquitous omnipresence. In other words, the fact that God is everywhere all the time simply isn't the same thing as mindfully being in the presence of God loving him. Let's look at a passage and see how we can use it to hold God in awe.

11:08 Melanie Boudreau:
If you downloaded the prayer fuel chart from episode three, this is the perfect time to use it. If you don't have it available, simply list your observations about the passage without using the chart. Either way, I'll describe the process for you. We're going to explore Ephesians chapter one verses one through eight. This is where it gets interactive. Do you have a Bible handy? Maybe it's a physical copy or perhaps you've got your Bible app on your phone. If you do, I want you to pause this podcast for just a minute.

11:43 Melanie Boudreau:
Go ahead, I'll wait.

12:02 Melanie Boudreau:
All right, so if you're driving or working out at the gym, you'll just need to take my word for what can be found in those rich verses. If you've got your Bible ready, I want you to read Ephesians chapter one verses one through eight. As you're reading, pay close attention to what it reveals about God. What does this passage tell us is true about God, true about you, and what you can ask for. Take your time with this. Soak it in. When you're done reading unpause the podcast and we'll unpack these verses together.

12:44 Melanie Boudreau:
Okay, so here's a list of what the passage says is true about God. First, God, the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give grace and peace. Second, our Father bestows every spiritual blessing in the heavenly realms. Third, even before he made the world, God loved us and chose us in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Fourth, God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ.

13:20 Melanie Boudreau:
Fifth, God wanted to bring us to himself and it gave him great pleasure. Sixth, he has poured out glorious grace on us. Seventh, he is rich in kindness and grace. Eight, he purchased our freedom with the blood of his son. Ninth, he forgave our sins. And finally, 10th, he has showered his kindness on us along with all wisdom and understanding.

13:53 Melanie Boudreau:
Wow, what a rich time of worship, adoring, reverence, and regard can come from these simple eight verses. Meditating on these truths while allowing your heart to feel the goodness of God through them prepares you to look at the passage a second time.

14:13 Melanie Boudreau:
This time, let's look at what this same passage conveys is true about us as believers. First, I am blessed with every spiritual blessing of the heavenly realms because I am united with Christ. Second, I was loved by God before he even made the world. Third, God chose me in Christ to be holy and without fault in his eyes. Fourth, I have been brought to God through Jesus adopted into his family. Fifth, God wanted me.

14:48 Melanie Boudreau:
Sixth, me being in God's family brings him great pleasure. Seventh, as one who belongs to Jesus, I have glorious grace poured out on me. Eighth, my freedom was purchased by the blood of Jesus. Ninth, my sins are forgiven. And finally, 10th, I am showered with kindness, wisdom, and understanding by God.

15:19 Melanie Boudreau:
Oh my. That is a lot of affirming content in a mere eight verses. You know, as I reflect on these powerful truths, I'm reminded of how transformative they can be in our daily lives.

15:33 Melanie Boudreau:
Each of us faces unique challenges and circumstances that can sometimes make it difficult to fully embrace these affirmations. Our past experiences, our current struggles, and even our family backgrounds can all influence how we see ourselves and how we approach God in prayer. Now, I know that many of us come from broken families and suffer the aftermath of insecurity triggers and discouragement as natural byproducts of subconscious implicit memories.

16:04 Melanie Boudreau:
But here's the beautiful thing. God's truth about us remains constant regardless of our circumstances, and that's where the power of declarative prayer comes in. It allows us to align our hearts and minds with God's perspective, even when our feelings or experiences tell us otherwise, using an everyday incident that someone in that context might feel led to pray about. I wanna demonstrate the difference between petitioning prayer and a prayer prayed with authority. I'll start by scripting a petitioning prayer that may sound typical and then I'll script an authoritative declarative prayer based on scripture feel in your spirit, which one is more powerful and brings greater resolution and comfort.

16:50 Melanie Boudreau:
So here's a petitioning prayer. Father, I'm floundering. I was raised in an environment where my input was neither wanted nor needed. When I got shut down at work today, I caved. I asked for more grace, cover my inadequacies and help me feel more legitimate among my peers. In Jesus' name I pray. Now that's a perfectly normal sounding prayer, and of course, God does not turn away those who come to him in need.

17:21 Melanie Boudreau:
We know this from Psalm nine, verse 10 in the good news translation, which reads, you do not abandon anyone who comes to you. What a comfort. And you know what? God in his infinite wisdom and love has given us an even more powerful way to pray. Imagine approaching our challenges from a position of strength and confidence in God's promises. This is where declarative prayer comes in building on our trust in God's care.

17:50 Melanie Boudreau:
We can align our words with his truth and speak his promises over our situations. Now listen to this next prayer based on the truth of God's word and his provision, and see if you can feel faith arising using these new declarative prayer skills where we use the word of God to exercise our belief in what he says. So here is a declarative prayer addressing the same situation we just discussed. Father, I thank you for the afterglow rather than the aftermath internally after what happened at work today because of my union with Jesus, you bless me with every spiritual blessing of the heavenly realm, including the grace and peace I need today.

18:36 Melanie Boudreau:
No historic rejection gets a voice. When you loved me before you even made the world, it was your idea for me to be made holy in Christ. I'm without fault in your eyes whose opinion could possibly matter more than yours.

18:54 Melanie Boudreau:
You want me. I'm adopted into your family, and that not only brings my heart peace, it also brings you great pleasure. I declare right now as I wait on you, I'm receiving wave after wave of glorious grace in accordance with my need. In Jesus' name. In any way, I didn't get my responses right today you have forgiven me already and see me as without fault. As you shower me with kindness, wisdom, and understanding, I declare that when I return to work tomorrow, I'll know just what needs to be said and how to respond to my coworkers, to the glory of God.

19:34 Melanie Boudreau:
Amen. So this entire prayer is declarative, even though I only use the word declare twice. To declare is to make a statement. I made statements that were consistent with what God says is true, acknowledging the precipitating issue, but without focusing on the problem itself. Instead, I'm focusing on the provision of God and consequently, I will receive the fullness of his provision with holy expectancy, I have listened for God's heart and aligned my prayer with his will.

20:11 Melanie Boudreau:
Okay, so we've explored declarative prayer in depth, but before we wrap up, let's address a couple of other common barriers to confident prayer. In this one passage in Ephesians alone, you can overcome a common obstacle to confident prayer, those feelings of unworthiness. To address this, reorient yourself to the truth of God's word and declare what he says, interwoven into your prayer. And if you struggle with feelings of unworthiness, undermining your confidence When you pray, I invite you to pray the following prayer with me, even rewinding to pray it several times in succession as needed.

20:53 Melanie Boudreau:
Father, it was you who chose me to be in Christ without fault in your eyes. So all feelings of unworthiness are false no matter what my shortcomings. So I renounce unworthiness and command every spiritual influence promoting these feelings in me to leave now in Jesus' name. I declare over my life that me being in your family brings you great pleasure. I have all things pertaining to life and godliness and am therefore able to pray with power.

21:26 Melanie Boudreau:
In name I pray. Amen.

21:31 Melanie Boudreau:
Let's tackle another obstacle to confident prayer. Past history of unanswered requests. I think you can begin to see how we unintentionally have brought unbelief into our prayer closets, focusing on our problems and petitioning for things God says is already ours. Our experience then is consistent with God's word. The message version puts it this way in James chapter one, verses six through eight, ask boldly, believingly without a second thought.

22:02 Melanie Boudreau:
People who worry their prayers are like wind whipped waves. Don't think you're going to get anything from the master that way. A drift at sea, keeping all your options open.

22:17 Melanie Boudreau:
So now you know how to pray God's provision and promises rather than highlighting the problems, you'll enter your time of prayer, celebrating the trust of God's word. As you pray declaratively and enter your prayer closet, single-mindedly. When you pray God's will, you will receive what you ask for to the glory of God. And your track record for answered prayer will change. So you might be thinking, this sounds great, but what if it doesn't work?

22:49 Melanie Boudreau:
What if I declare something and it doesn't happen? These are valid concerns. But remember, declarative prayer isn't about manipulating God or forcing outcomes. It's about aligning ourselves with his will and truth. It are some common objections and how to address them first isn't this, just name it and claim it. Theology, no declarative prayer is rooted in God's word and character, not our desires. We're declaring what God has already promised, not demanding what we want.

23:22 Melanie Boudreau:
Second, what if I declare something and it doesn't happen? Remember, God's timing isn't always our timing. Keep declaring his truth and trust his wisdom and timing. Third, isn't this just positive thinking? While positive thinking can be beneficial, declarative prayer goes deeper. It's not about convincing ourselves but about agreeing with God's truth. Fourth, do I need to use specific words or phrases? No, the power is in the truth.

23:54 Melanie Boudreau:
You're declaring not in a formula. Use scripture and speak from your heart. Over time, you will find that increasingly more of the prayers you pray will be answered. And I want to emphasize the role of the Holy Spirit in guiding declarative prayer. As we engage in declarative prayer, it's crucial to remember the vital role of the Holy Spirit. Jesus promised in John chapter 16, verse 13, but when he, the spirit of truth comes, he will guide you into all the truth.

24:28 Melanie Boudreau:
This guidance is essential in our prayer life. The Holy Spirit helps us in several ways. First revelation, he reveals God's will and specific promises for our situations. Second interpretation. He helps us understand scripture and apply it correctly. Third, inspiration. He inspires us with words to declare that align with God's heart. And fourth discernment. He helps us discern when to declare and when to wait.

25:02 Melanie Boudreau:
Before you begin praying declaratively, take a moment to invite the Holy Spirit to lead you. Ask him to bring specific scriptures to mind and to guide your words. Remember, our goal is not just to speak positive words, but to align our declarations with God's will and timing. As you grow in this practice, you'll find yourself becoming more sensitive to the spirit's leading and your prayers will become more powerful and effective. As we wrap up, remember, your prayers aren't just words.

25:33 Melanie Boudreau:
They're powerful declarations backed by your identity in Christ. It's time to trade in those timid prayers. For bold mountain moving intercession. Here are the key points to remember. One, God has already provided you all things pertaining to life and godliness. Two, engage with God's word daily to strengthen your faith and to encounter God interactively. Three, exercise belief by declaring God's promises and provision.

26:04 Melanie Boudreau:
Four, use declarative prayers based on what God says is true. And lastly, five, overcome barriers to confident prayer by focusing on God's truth about you. Download our declaration guide and start praying with newfound confidence today. The link is in the show notes. Until next time, keep pressing into God's presence and watch him move in response to your faith-filled prayers.

26:36 Emcee:
Thank you for listening to the Strategic Intercession podcast. We hope you found today's episode inspiring and helpful. Don't forget to subscribe. Share this podcast and visit strategic for more resources. We're grateful to have you as part of our community. Until next time, blessings.

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